Technocratics (Private) Limited

Cleanroom Flooring

Our seamless specialty clean room flooring and wall coatings assist  life science and advance technology facilities in maintaining their classified clean room environmental standards.

Cracks and crevices are where dust and microbes begin their dirty work. Our high performance bacteriostatic and fungistatic floor coating systems help reduce the concern of contamination by eliminating these breaches in wall and floor surfaces, as well as furnishing additional unique benefits to clean spaces, such as:

The special needs of clean room facilities are met and exceeded with our selection of cutting-edge flooring for clean space operations.

The main types of Cleanroom flooring:

  1. Epoxy Coatings & Troweled On.
  2. Rubber – Cold Welded Floors
  3. Seamless Vinyl Floors
  4. MMA – Methyl Methacrylate Flooring.
  5. Urethane Floors
  6. VCT Floors
  7. Raised Floors
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